China Service Projects
In Rotary year 2000-02, our club cooperated with the Project Hope (希望工程) to build a new primary school in Lu Yang, Henan (河南省洛陽) known as “宜陽縣香港大埔扶輪社希望小學.” On 18-21 August, 2001 a big delegation from our club attended the school opening ceremony.
Soon after the 512 Earthquake disaster in Sichuan, China in 2008, our club supported the StandTall (站起來) medial missions in China spearheaded by our honorary member Past President Professor Chan Kai Ming with a few PPs serving as the StandTall executive committee member or advisors. On Dec. 11-14, 2008, a big delegation consisting of about 10 Rotarians from our club and Area 6 clubs, Rotaractors, one former Ambassadorial Scholar from US and 8 family members made an official visit to the Sichuan Provincial People’s Hospital which treated the earthquake victims. Our Rotaractors helped organized a very warm and touching Children Christmas party for the children victims in the hospital.
In 2009, with support from District Disaster Relief Fund of HK$210,000, Area 6 clubs and sister club Rotary Club of Taipei, we helped set up the Rehabilitation Centre for the Sichuan Earthquake Victims with various modern medical equipment at a total project cost of HK$376,935 and another big delegation led by Past District Governor Peter Wong and then President Armstrong Shea and Past President Kenneth Wong attended the opening ceremony of the Rehab Centre on 1st August.
To give further support to StandTall, in October 2009 our club successfully applied for Matching Grant (MG) from The Rotary Foundation to provide hi-tech prosthesis for four children with high level knee and leg amputations. For a total project cost of US$24,360, our club acted as host club while Rotary Club of North Rockland from USA served as International Partner and supported by our sister club Rotary Club of Taipei.